Boektopia wants to get everyone reading more or again by making reading an experience. After the classic and well-known Boekenbeurs in Antwerp ceased to exist, several large publishers took the initiative for a rebirth, not only of the event but also of a continuous series of efforts to keep reading on the agenda of young and old throughout the year.
the challenge
Following the demise of the iconic Boekenbeurs, renowned publishers such as Lannoo, Pelckmans, Standaard Uitgeverij, Daphne, VBK, Snoeck, Clavis and Yoyo Books, together with GAU (“Groep Algemene Uitgevers”), set out to develop a new brand based on the needs of Flemish readers in order not only to breathe new life into the traditional book fair, but also to put the emphasis on reading as a year-round concept.
the insights
The corona pandemic may have dealt the final blow to the widely known classic Boekenbeurs, but it certainly does not mean that reading and books have become less popular. For no less than 55% of Flemings, reading even appears to be the favourite pastime, 61% of Flemings buy books regularly and 19% of Belgians read every day.
the solution
Based on the organisers’ spirited ambitions, Pavlov’s brand experts were called in to help shape the new brand. To this end, we first immersed ourselves in as many insights as possible from the perspective of the target group: we researched how and why people read books, what their attitude is towards buying books, what opinion they have about the concept of a book event and on the basis of which motives a renewed format should be designed. The conclusions from this in-depth analysis then formed the foundation for a reasoned brand strategy for a brand-new brand, based on three values: Inspiring, Interactive and Inclusive. Ironically, the focus here is not so much on ‘the book’ itself, but on connecting people, ideas and concepts through interactions that help expand horizons.
Naturally, this renewed vision of the book trade and the interaction between book brands and their target groups also meant a new start, a momentum that needed a fresh new brand identity. Our specialists worked on a new brand name – Boektopia is both an aspiration and a promise to do more with books and to connect people – and a visual identity that is both easily recognisable, solid and dynamic enough to be widely applied in the market.
With an icon that can be used flexibly and immediately provides a benchmark, the foundations were laid for a corporate identity that can invite book lovers young and old to be part of the story. The brand manual not only provides for the application of the brand for the iconic annual event in the autumn, but also for the possibility of developing infinite variants for smaller themed events throughout the year.